Monday, August 07, 2006

Chesapeake Bay Menhaden Harvest Cap Announced

First Landing State Park, VA – Delegate Robert J. Wittman attended a press conference held on Monday, July 31, by Governor Timothy M. Kaine announcing a proposal to set an annual cap on the harvest of menhaden from the Chesapeake Bay.

Delegate Robert J. Wittman offered the following statement on today’s actions by the Governor:

“Today I stood with Governor Kaine as he announced the Virginia proposal to the Atlantic States Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) for resolving the menhaden catch limit issue. This proposal is a milestone in the realm of fishery management decisions involving menhaden. Omega Protein, the sport fishing community, the environmental community and other Atlantic coast states fisheries managers have all come together in agreement on this proposal for the Atlantic States Fisheries Commission. It is my sincere hope that the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission will adopt this proposal in lieu of the proposal from the Atlantic Menhaden Management Board. I believe that this proposal ensures the long term sustainability of the Chesapeake Bay menhaden population and is in the best interest of Omega Protein, the sport fishing community and the Chesapeake Bay. I intend to introduce legislation for the Virginia General Assembly to adopt these measures as soon as I am able and I will work with the House and Senate leadership to ensure that this happens.”

The proposal announced by the Governor today is consistent with goals set in a recent fishery management plan adopted by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC).

This proposal is supported by both the menhaden industry and leaders within the environmental community. The proposed annual cap on menhaden harvested from the Chesapeake Bay for industrial purposes is 109,020 metric tons, which is based upon the average annual harvest from 2001-2005.

This proposal also allows for a one-year “credit” to be granted for the year immediately following a fishing season when catches are below the 109,020 metric-ton cap. The credits are limited so that no harvest shall go above 122,740 metric tons.

The proposal also includes an agreement for the state of Virginia and Omega Protein to work together on menhaden-related research and federal funding for that research.


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